Call Now(+233) 244 665 623

Our LocationKAB Building, Unviersity of Ghana, Legon

Our Awesome Students

Studying at Perfect Score Institute is an exciting and rewarding experience for many students around the world. The chance to learn in world-class institutions, the possibility of making friends from different cultures, and the opportunity to experience many exciting adventures and study opportunities that await!


Hannah Darkwah

Essex Business School


Debbie Ofori

Georgetown University


Charles Osei

Illinois State University


Yesira Alolo

London School of Economics and Political Science


Bambj Loun


Sawyer Manuel

Columbia Univerisity


Nana Akua

Univesity of Sienna


Akotia Nigel

University of Colorado



University of Leeds


Adamu Larry

Tu Delft University


Deborah Allotey

University of Western Ontario



University of Akron