Call Now(+233) 244 665 623

Our LocationKAB Building, Unviersity of Ghana, Legon


About Perfect Score Institute

Perfect Score Institute is an educational institute that seeks to help society to achieve the highest levels of distinction in learning, promulgate knowledge, aid in creative thinking and innovation with a persuasive commitment to serve humanity. The founding principles of Perfect Score Institute since its inception in 2014 is to help solve the problems of the world mainly through education by making excellence a rudiment in every undertaking and this is the omphalos of the institution. We have a unique methodology for test preparation which focuses on learning about each individual student’s strengths and weaknesses. We then use these insights to prepare an individualized tutoring program for each student..

Perfect Score Institute provides access to subject matter experts in math, reading and writing through one-on-one tutoring sessions. These sessions will allow you to learn and practice the materials covered by the exam. Students will be able to ask questions and interact with the tutor, providing you with a better understanding of the material covered. These sessions are designed to enhance your learning ability and provide a knowledge-base you cannot get from studying a book.


University Scholarships


Admitted Students in Top Ivy Legaues Universities


GRE Test Scores


GMAT Test Scores

Chairman of the Institute

Professor Edwin Ellis Badu is a professor of Information Science at the Department of Information Studies, University of Ghana, Legon where he teaches System Analysis and Design, Automation of information Systems and Techniques in Research. He was the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Social Studies from 2004-2009 and was the Head of Department of Information Studies from 2000-2002 in the same university. He has a PhD and Masters in Information Science from University of Sheffield, England and Ibadan, Nigeria, respectively and a BSc (Computer Science) from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.

He has published extensively on Information Systems and Strategy and has consulted for a number of public and private institutions. Professor Badu’s skills and expertise includes but not limited to: international education, strategic planning, Higher education, libraries, educational leadership, educational management and library information studies.

He was a board member of Unibank Ghana and a member of the Institute of Information Scientists UK and the former University of Ghana librarian. Professor Badu is the Chairman of Perfect Score Institute.